320 Main St.
Farmington, CT, 06032
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Where is Dr. Nadeau?

Dr. Monique Nadeau
Where is Dr. Nadeau?

If you have been in the office over the last few months you probably have noticed that this is a view you haven't seen recently.

So what's been going on?  Where is she?  Why have you been seeing only Dr. Krause lately?

The answer is...  drumroll please...  Dr. Nadeau fell and broke her wrist. {sad horn sounds}

Where is Dr. Nadeau?
Dr. Krause loves to take pictures. He'd be happy to show you the xrays as well. OUCH!

Yes, in late November 2014 Dr. Nadeau fell and broke her right wrist.  She was in a cast for almost eight long weeks and within hours after the cast being removed she began occupational/physical therapy.  It's been a long road, but Dr. Nadeau is not one to give up and she is fighting her way back.  She is facing many obstacles but she is getting stronger and her dexterity is improving every day.  We anticipate that she will be back to treating patients as soon as she can.

Get well soon, Dr. Nadeau!

Where is Dr. Nadeau?
It's been a long winter.

Are you looking for a dentist in the Farmington, CT area?  We are accepting new patients and would be happy to see you.  Give us a call at 860-676-2288 today.  We look forward to hearing from you!

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Monique and Stephanie
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