Halloween Candy Give Back 2014

The Halloween candy has been out for quite some time now (I have actually seen it next to the Christmas ornaments in some drug stores!) but with Halloween being a mere ten days away it’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to do with all that candy! We know you certainly don’t want to eat all of it (wasn’t there a New Year’s Resolution about eating better?). We also know that you certainly don’t want your children to eat all of it (sugar highs and crashes are no fun!).
Here’s a great thing to do with all that candy: pick out a few pieces that you love and enjoy them. Life is short! One small package of M&Ms isn’t going to kill anyone or cause any cavity. Once you have done that please bring us the rest!
On both November 3, 2014 and November 4, 2014 from 9am to 5pm we will be hosting our annual Halloween Candy Give Back and we will gladly accept your Halloween Candy donation. After November 4 we will be sending all of the candy to Operation Gratitude. Operation Gratitude then takes the candy and distributes it to deployed soldiers around the world.
Help us put a smile on a soldier’s face and satisfy their sweet tooth. Please donate your candy to us on November 3rd and 4th!
In 2013 we collected 168 pounds of candy. This year our goal is to collect 200 pounds! Help us reach our goal!
Are you looking for a dentist in the Farmington, CT area? We are always accepting new patients and we look forward to meeting you. Call us today at 860-676-2288 and we will help you become part of the Farmington Village Dental family.